The room was small, depressing and very tired. Although superficially clean(ish), it was in great need of a deeper, thorough sanitise and overhaul. The carpet was filthy and desperately required replacing. The tv remote was caked, the light switches dubious. The furniture was the cheapest flat pack possible, apart from a random old chair, which was bringing nothing to the party, other than being a trip hazard in the dark (see no bedside light). The mattress cover under the sheet was full of crumbs, grit and I didn’t want to think what else. I used my emergency sleeping bag rather than get in the bed. I only stayed one night out of two. There was no hairdryer and no bedside light, just the bright ceiling bulbs, which were not operational from the bed. The towels were laundered but faintly stained, the bath mat looked unwashed. The shower head was immovable and crusty, and the shower door broken. The toilet, up two steps on a podium of its own, was simply weird and possibly dangerous. The fire exit stairs were cluttered. Parking was a faff. No breakfast (I was made aware of this on booking and quite possibly wouldn’t have trusted it based on the room), so even £50 a night was steep for such a lack lustre, experience. One up from sleeping in the car, although my car is cleaner, better decorated and has nicer ambiance.